May 03, 2016
NASA Awards Cambridge International Systems Base Information Technology Security (BITSec) Prime Contract
Cambridge has been awarded a prime contract by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to support the Johnson Space Center JSC) Base Information Technology Security Program. Cambridge will provide IT security management and technical services and support the implementation of a robust, flexible, and forward-leaning IT Security Program. This 5 year contract was awarded under the NITAAC CIO SP3 contract.
In support of this contract, Cambridge will continue to carry out our mission to protect our borders and create a safer world by supporting JSC in adapting to the constantly evolving threat landscape and safeguarding information vital to human spaceflight activities. Through its human exploration and deep space missions, the JSC plays a pivotal role in enhancing technological and scientific knowledge which benefits all of humankind.
“Cambridge looks forward to providing IT security support services that will enhance the effectiveness of the JSC IT Security Program and protect mission critical information.” said Cambridge Director, Julie Partridge
Cambridge and its teammates, Logyx and GTI Federal, will provide a full range of security, engineering and technical support services including project management, design, development, integration, testing, delivery installation, operations support, system documentation, maintenance, troubleshooting, repair, and logistics support.